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SDI to Add Siemens Electrode Control System to Roanoke EAF

The new system will further enhance the control of the arc’s power and adds new tuning tools which help also to improve EAF efficiency and transparency.  The operation will achieve additional efficiency improvements through energy savings and process optimization. The planned system start up is the end of 2013.

SDI needed to replace their existing electrode regulation system and was looking for a well-supported solution to ultimately make their operation more efficient.  Electrode control plays a crucial role in maximizing the EAF’s efficiency and energy use. With dynamic control parameters, reduced energy consumption and newly integrated tools, Simelt optimizes the melting performance and uses resources more efficiently. The solution also ensures uniform arc radiation, reducing furnace hot spots and extending the furnace life. A high degree of standardization and reliable components ensure simple maintenance of the system. 

Simetal Simelt is a fully automatic, end-to-end solution for electrode control in three-phase electric arc and ladle furnaces.  Simetal Simelt regulates and dynamically adjusts the electric arc’s power and makes the most efficient use of the electrodes.  It relies on artificial intelligence to optimize the melting process. 

Previously only manufactured in Germany, the Simetal Simelt is now also manufactured and supported in the United States. Siemens Metals Technologies Electrode Regulation systems currently have an installed base of more than 500 systems worldwide.