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Sandvik Materials Technology Reports Fatal Accident

Sandvik Materials Technology announced with deep sorrow that a tragic accident has occurred in Meltshop 08 at the company’s facility in Sandviken.
Two male employees, born in 1954 and 1951, were performing diagnostic work in the basement for one of the furnaces. They were missed by their colleagues during the afternoon. When searching for them on the premises they were found dead.

The company noted that relatives of the deceased are being informed and crisis teams are being established. Investigation about the cause of the accident is ongoing, but one of the theories is that there could have been a leakage of argon gas. The gas is now switched off within the building and the gas levels have now been found normal.

The company also noted that its thoughts go to the relatives of the victims, friends and colleagues.

Sandvik is offering crisis counseling through the company’s occupational health department.