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Sandvik Engineers Awarded 2012 Wilhelm Haglund Medal

Three engineers from Sandvik Materials Technology—Bertil Waldén, Ivan Machacek, and Lars Östlund—were awarded the 2012 Wilhelm Haglund Medal in recognition of their pioneering contributions in the development of umbilical tubes in advanced stainless steel.
With extensive materials experience, the three prizewinners together launched a comprehensive development program for umbilical tubing in the early 1990s. Their solution emerged from the oil and gas industry, which had been experiencing major problems with the tubing used at the time—reinforced plastic hoses.
At about the same time, Sandvik had developed Sandvik SAF 2507, a super-duplex stainless steel characterized by very high mechanical strength and excellent corrosion resistance. It had the bending and welding properties required for umbilical tubing and performed successfully in aggressive, chloride-rich subsea environments. Since then, the product has enjoyed strong demand from the oil and gas industry, according to Sandvik.
The Wilhelm Haglund Medal is presented by the Sandvik Group to recognize the contributions made by an employee, or group of employees, that may be of commercial importance to the Group. The award consists of an 18 carat gold medal, a diploma, and a study trip, whose aim and extent are determined by the jury consisting of Sandvik's CEO Olof Faxander, a Union representative, and three experts. All employees within the Sandvik Group are eligible to receive the award as well as nominate colleagues.
Sandvik Materials Technology is a leading developer and manufacturer of products in advanced stainless steels and special alloys for demanding environments, as well as products and systems for industrial heating. Sandvik Materials Technology consists of four product areas: Tube, Strip, Primary products, and Wire and Heating Technology.