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SAIL’s Rourkela Steel Plant Doubles Production Capacity with New SMS Siemag Slab Caster

RSP mainly processes sophisticated micro-alloyed steels and heavy-plate grades on the caster. By means of the third slab caster in Steelworks No. 2, RSP has doubled its slab production capacity to 3 million tons per year, thus strengthening its market position.
The single-strand caster, designed as a vertical bending plant, is intended for slabs of 220-, 250- and 300-mm thickness in widths, ranging from 1,200 mm to 2,500 mm.
SMS Siemag supplied the basic and detail engineering, all mechanical components, the complete X-Pact® electrical and automation systems including the control systems (level 1) and process models (level 2).
The caster equipment includes several Intelligent Slab Casting (ISC®) modules which determine quality and production. Among these are the hydraulically actuated resonance oscillation system, remote-controlled narrow mold faces for width change during casting and the position-controlled CYBERLINK segments for performing dynamic soft reduction. In combination with the width-dependent air-mist secondary cooling and the dynamic solidification control process model, these guarantee that slabs of high internal quality are produced.
Rourkela Steel Plant already has two single-strand slab casters from SMS Siemag in operation and will soon commission a converter shop supplied by SMS Siemag.