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Ruukki Metals Completes Employer-Employee Negotiations

Employer-employee negotiations affecting Ruukki Metals and Ruukki’s Marketing and Communications function initiated in September have now been completed. The negotiations were part of projects launched this year to improve Ruukki’s competitiveness. The negotiations have resulted in a workforce reduction of about 250 persons, which was also the original estimate.

Employer-employee negotiations initiated to improve the efficiency of Ruukki Metals’ operations have been completed. The negotiations affected most of Ruukki Metals’ production organization in Finland, or a total of around 3,500 persons. The Raahe Works and Hämeenlinna Works were the largest units affected by these negotiations.

Ruukki Metals’ negotiations originally concerned the need for a workforce reduction of 230 persons. The negotiations have resulted in a new operating model at the Raahe and Hämeenlinna works to ensure efficient, profitable operations also in weaker market conditions or at lower capacity utilization rates. The redundancies are to be carried out through the expiry of fixed-term contracts, pension arrangements and dismissals. The workforce will be reduced by four persons through dismissals.

Employer-employee negotiations within the Marketing and Communications function affected around 70 persons across different Ruukki countries. The negotiations resulted in a workforce reduction of 17 compared to an earlier estimate of 20 persons.

The negotiations were part of projects initiated this year to improve Ruukki’s competitiveness. The negotiations seek annualized savings of around €10 million, which are expected to be achieved in full during the third quarter of 2013.