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Ruukki Makes First Deliveries of Steel Structures for Offshore Wind Farm

Ruukki has delivered, from its Kalajoki plant, the first batch of steel structures for offshore wind tower foundations to the Norwegian company Kvaerner Verdal AS. Deliveries from Kalajoki for the Nordsee Ost offshore wind farm project in the North Sea will continue until summer 2012. Ruukki's delivery includes a total of 240 individual structures to anchor the towers and join the structures together.
Each jacket requires one transition piece to join the wind turbine tower to the jacket foundation, which is partly submerged under the sea. The transition pieces Ruukki delivers are 12 meters in diameter and about five meters in height. Piles are used to anchor jacket foundations to the sea bed, and Ruukki provides the pile clusters. Four pile clusters, which are around 3.5 meters in diameter and 5 meters in height, are required for each jacket.
RWE Innogy's Nordsee Ost wind farm will be located about 3.5 km offshore to the northeast of Helgoland on the German coast. The sea depth in the area is in the range of around 22 to 25 meters. The wind farm is expected to be commissioned in 2013 and, when completed, will produce approximately 1.1 terawatt-hours of power per year, equivalent to the annual supply of more than 310,000 households.