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Ruukki Announces Winners of Noise Barrier Idea Contest

Ruukki held a design and idea contest for noise barriers in spring this year. The contest was open to architects, designers, construction professionals and students and was held in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The terms and conditions of the contest were that the designs must use steel as the main material and must be suitable for conditions in the Nordic countries and Baltic states. Besides appearance factors, ideas were also sought for the manufacture, installation, barrier construction and technical performance of noise barriers.

The winners of Ruukki’s noise barrier idea contest have been decided. In the professionals category, the winning entry was Atsushi Takano’s idea "Soundscape" and in the students category Lauri Mäkinen’s idea "Arché". The winners were chosen by a six-person international jury of professionals in the sector.

The jury thought that Atsushi Takano’s winning entry "Soundscape" in the professionals category was an impressive and innovative example of how a steel noise barrier can adapt and harmonise with the environment taking into account the diversity of the surroundings and landscape. Thanks to its light appearance and structure, the idea is also suitable for urban environments. The noise barrier solution utilising steel piles and tubes can easily be recycled.

Lauri Mäkinen’s winning entry Arché" in the students category is a creative, practical solution based on an existing Ruukki noise barrier system, but at the same time broadens its functionality and diversifies its visual image.

The cash prizes in both categories were shared among the three best entries. The three best entries in each category were:

1. "Soundscape" by Atsushi Takano, Arkkitehdit Nolla
2. "Smart panel", a joint entry by Eero Tölpt, Hans Priks and Jürgen Sarapik
3. "Waterwall noise barrier concept" by Friends of Industry

1. "Arché" by Lauri Mäkinen
2. "Sound wave" by Ville-Pekka Säkkinen
3. "Torus", a joint entry by Triin Lehmets, Kärt Milsaar and Ivo Riet

"The various ideas we received show that a new, innovative approach is required for the solutions currently in use. Steel-based design gave persons entering the contest a chance to create and form ideas for solutions that are impressive, lasting and give overall best value for money," says Petri Nieminen, who is Senior Vice President, Infrastructure Construction at Ruukki.

Above: Soundscape

Above: Arcé

Ruukki, based in Finland, provides its customers with energy-efficient steel solutions for better living, working and moving. Ruukki operates in some 30 countries and employs around 11,800 people. Net sales in 2011 totalled € 2.8 billion. The company’s share is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.