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Researchers Find Way to Improve Steel’s Wear Resistance in Seawater

Industries that involve contact with saltwater often use components and equipment made of corrosion-resistant steels, which is achieved through a fine coating. This coating will wear if exposed to friction.
The coating developed by researchers from Russia’s National University of Science and Technology (NUST MISIS), along with counterparts from the Czech Republic, can provide protection to the surface through a combination of its adhesion, hardness and thickness.
According to Sputnik News, the scientists believe that the coverage they have developed can reduce the risk of accidents and breakdowns of equipment.
“The coating is being developed mainly for marine and coastal infrastructure. However, these coatings can be used in other areas, such as the urban environment and transport, which face significant challenges due to corrosion caused by ice-melting products,” said senior researcher in the Department of Powder Metallurgy and Performance Coatings at NUST MISIS, Konstantin Kuptsov.
The study was published in the journal Wear.