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Report: ArcelorMittal Shopping Around U.S. Rail Mill

Citing a United Steelworkers official, the news station reported that the company is looking for a buyer for the former Bethlehem Steel facility, located along the Susquehanna River southeast of the Pennsylvania state capital.

“They told us we were up for sale,” Ray Napoli, president of Local 1688 of the United Steelworkers union, told the news station.

Harrisburg Regional Chamber of Commerce President David Black told The (Harrisburg) Patriot News that two parties have made inquires about purchasing the facility, but said he wasn't aware that ArcelorMittal had been actively seeking a buyer.

"I have not heard that ArcelorMittal has put it on the block," Black told the newspaper.

ArcelorMittal declined comment.

“ArcelorMittal does not comment on rumors or market speculation,” spokeswoman Mary Beth Holdford said in a statement.

The facility has a 150-ton electric arc furnace and a 3-stand continuous jumbo bloom caster. In addition to rails, it makes specialty blooms, flat bars and forging-quality ingots.