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Rail Ferry Placed Under Joint Venture Ownership

In a statement, shipping and logistics firm SEACOR Holdings Inc. said it has taken on rail operator Genesee & Wyoming Inc. as a partner in the CG Railway. CG Railway is a ferry that moves approximately 10,000 carloads of steel and other commodities, including chemicals, sugars and pulp and paper, between terminals in Mexico and the U.S. 

SEACOR acquired the operation in March through its acquisition of bankrupt International Shipholding Corp. The joint venture said will invest in the rail ferries. 

“We are committed to improve the rail ferry’s on-time performance by leveraging SEACOR’s expertise in marine operations,” said Kevin Wild, vice president of CG Railway. 

“Combining reliable service with the cost efficiency of short sea shipping and the 50% shorter transit time versus land routes, we create a compelling alternative for customers moving goods between the eastern U.S. and Canada to and from central and southern Mexico.”