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Quebec Cartier Mining Changes Name to ArcelorMittal

Quebec Cartier Mining Co. is changing its name to ArcelorMittal Mines Canada. The new corporate name becomes effective immediately, according to President and CEO Francois E. Pelletier. The name change highlights the official incorporation of Quebec Cartier into the ArcelorMittal Group.

"Today marks the beginning of a new era for our company, its employees, its partners and the communities in which it operates," stated Pelletier. "For the first time since Quebec Cartier was founded in 1957, we have a shareholder that wants to do much more than just secure a reliable source of quality ore."
ArcelorMittal currently meets some 46% of its iron ore needs from its own mines, and recently indicated its plans to reach 75 to 85% self-sufficiency by 2015.
"We are now looking at different ways to boost our current iron ore concentrate and pellet production,” said Pelletier. “We are looking at opportunities to produce more at Mont-Wright and Fire Lake, and even to develop other deposits. There's also the possibility of maximizing our current facilities and perhaps adding new ones," he explained.

The new Canadian mining subsidiary's contribution to ArcelorMittal's overall mining sector growth strategy is not restricted to Canada. Pelletier noted, "the company's expertise and know-how are already being put to good use in mining projects in other countries, including Liberia and Senegal. And at our own Canadian facilities, we are welcoming colleagues from other parts of the world to provide help and transfer our knowledge."

While still Quebec Cartier, ArcelorMittal Mines Canada was involved in the project to acquire Wabush Mines, which was halted suddenly when a number of Wabush Mines shareholders unilaterally decided not to sell their holdings to ArcelorMittal. The case is now before the courts.

"In spite of cyclical variability over the past five decades, Quebec Cartier has demonstrated stability,” said Pelletier. “Production did not fluctuate much from year to year, and the company experienced no real growth except in 1996, when it acquired the pellet plant it had been managing under lease since 1985. For the first time in our history, thanks to our affiliation with ArcelorMittal, we can look forward to undreamed-of development opportunities in a market that is reaching new heights in prices and growth," he added.

Quebec Cartier's official incorporation into the ArcelorMittal Group comes at a time when manpower recruitment and renewal have become critical issues in the Canadian mining industry. "We need to renew our workforce,” said Pelletier, “not just to replace employees who are retiring but also to bring in new blood, to support our plans for development. And we have another advantage now: those who would like to aim for an international career and have the needed skills can start to dream, because ArcelorMittal promotes mobility for its employees. From now on, you'll be able to start your career in Canada then acquire more experience in another part of the world—and vice versa."

Quebec Cartier Mining Co. was founded on January 26, 1957 by U.S. Steel. It started developing iron deposits at Lac-Jeannine in Quebec, Canada in 1959. In the 1970s, the company developed deposits at Fire Lake and Mont-Wright, Que., and in 1976 was involved in establishing the partnership to form Sidbec-Normines, charged with operating the new pellet plant in Port-Cartier, Que. In April 1977, the Lac-Jeannine mine delivered its last block of iron ore, though its crusher and concentrator remained in operation until 1985 to process crude ore from Fire Lake. It was also in 1985 that the town of Gagnon, Que., shut down following an agreement between the Government of Quebec and Quebec Cartier.

In 1989, U.S. Steel sold Quebec Cartier to Canadian steel producer Dofasco (50%), Mitsui of Japan (25%) and CAEMI of Brazil (25%). Eight years later, Mitsui sold its holdings to CAEMI. In 2003, the company announced an agreement between its shareholders and the Government of Quebec, under which Investissement Quebec acquired preferred shares and became an equal shareholder with Dofasco and CAEMI. In 2005, Dofasco bought out Investissement Quebec and CAEMI, emerging as the company's sole owner. On February 21, 2006, Arcelor S.A. acquired over 88% of Dofasco's common shares. Less than four months later, on June 25, Arcelor and Mittal Steel Co. NV announced the merger of their two companies to create the world's leading steel company, ArcelorMittal.

is the world's largest and most global steel company as well as the fourth-largest mining company in the world, with 310,000 employees in over 60 countries. ArcelorMittal leads a number of major global markets, with leading-edge R&D and technology as well as sizeable captive supplies of raw materials and outstanding distribution networks. An industrial presence in 28 European, Asian, African and American countries exposes the company to key steel markets, from emerging to mature, positions it will be looking to develop in the high-growth Chinese and Indian markets.

ArcelorMittal’s key financials for 2007 show revenues of USD 105.2 billion, with a crude steel production of 116 million tonnes, representing around 10% of world steel output.