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PWS Supplies Unique Hydrostatic Pipe Tester to Salzgitter Mannesmann

With the testing strategy of the facility up to three pipes with different length can be tested simultaneously at three test stations in parallel with a total cycle time of 48 seconds (for 16 inches/12 meters) — more than 30%  less than before.

Pictured below: The new pipe plant is designed as a three-strand hydrostatic pipe tester.
The hydrotester supplied by PWS covers a diameter range from 4.5 to 16 inches with a wall thickness between 2.6 up to 16 millimeters. The length can vary from 9.7 to 18 meters. Simultaneous testing with different diameters and lengths is also possible. Each section can be controlled individually and independently. Maximum test pressure is 500 bar, with a tolerance of +/- 1 bar, for material grades X80 or N80 resp.
“The new facility is a marked improvement on the strategy for hydrotesting and pipe manufacture. Shorter pipe length in the manufacturing process no longer have to be separated for testing at a later time, thus ensuring a substantial advantage for production logistics and throughput. The technology package is rounded off by a very fast and highly precise pressure control system,” said Michael Stark from PWS.
Thanks to the use of modern technology the up-to-date hydrotesting facility provides high flexibility and a high level of efficiency. Due to the automated plant and quick filling of the pipes SMLP achieves a significant reduction of the cycle time by 30%. The new hydrostatic press also meets future requirements with regard to safety, flexibility and productivity.
During setup and commissioning of the new equipment the ongoing production was not interrupted.
The facility came on stream in the second quarter of 2013.

Pictured below: The hydrostatic pipe tester at SMLP in Siegen, Germany.