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Primetals Technologies, Yara Environmental Technologies to Deliver State-of-the-Art Flue Gas Treatment System for Acciaierie D’Italia

According to an official press release, Primetals Technologies and Yara Environmental Technologies have formed a collaborative consortium to tackle the project; together the two companies will install a new economizer and selective catalytic reduction DeNOx system, a Meros DeSOx system and high-end fabric filters for dust removal. Overall, the FGT upgrade will reduce the power plant’s NOx emissions by 80%, its SOx emissions to less than 130 mg/nm3 and its dust emissions to less than 2 mg/nm3.
“This important environmental improvement project reflects another milestone in our long-lasting and outstanding partnership with Acciaierie d’Italia to accompany them to achieve the strictest environmental emission standards for their Taranto site,” said Alexander Fleischanderl, head of ECO solutions for Primetals Technologies.
Work on the project began in June and is on pace to start up by the end of next year.
Read more here.