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Primetals Completes Overhaul of Rebar Mill

According to Primetals Technologies, the project has led to a 25% increase in billet production, taking it from 1.2 million metric tons to 1.5 million metric tons. 

"Additionally, Abinsk is now able to produce more quality steel grades, such as high-carbon steel for wire and spring steel. Moreover, the new technology not only increases the availability of the steel works, but also decreases maintenance costs," Primetals said in a statement. 

Under the project, Primetals installed a PLC-based electrode control system and a new oxygen injection system for the electric arc furnace; re-engineered the off-gas elbow and added a new furnace pressure control system. It also modified the furnace hydraulics to improve furnace movements and minimize power-off times.  

It upgraded the ladle furnace by equipping it with a four-strand wire feed and a lime injection system.

Primetals was responsible for the basic and detail engineering and supplied the new equipment. It also supervised construction and commissioning.