Precision Strip Purchases CareGo’s TELIA™ Facility Optimization and Automation System
07/07/2015 - CareGo is pleased to announce that Precision Strip has purchased CareGo’s patent pending TELIA crane automation and optimization technology for use in the toll processor’s Perrysburg, Ohio service center.
TELIA’s optimization algorithms increase storage density and crane efficiency and allowed Precision Strip to commission a new finishing line in a part of the facility that had previously been used to store coils waiting for processing and, as a result, eliminate the need to physically expand the building to accommodate the storage of master coils.
CareGo is a technology company that produces facility optimization and automated coil and long product material handling systems for service centers, steel mills, pipe mills, ports and railroads.
CareGo is a technology company that produces facility optimization and automated coil and long product material handling systems for service centers, steel mills, pipe mills, ports and railroads.