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Posco’s Emissions-Reducing Efforts Recognized by Worldsteel

Posco recently received a Climate Action Member certificate from the World Steel Association (Worldsteel) for its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Since 2007, Worldsteel has been granting the accreditation to its member firms that fulfill their commitment to its CO2 data collection program. Posco was issued the certificate of recognition for two consecutive years, as the company abided by the emission standard set by the organization and submitted complete and verifiable CO2 data.
Aside from the Worldsteel certificate, Posco has been a member of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a U.K.-based not-for-profit organization holding the largest database of primary corporate climate change information, since 2003, and opened its CO2 emissions data and information on its countermeasures against climate change.
The company was selected as one of the top 50 companies in the CDP’s Climate Leadership Index in 2006, and was also named an outstanding company in countering climate change by CDP Korea.
In February this year, Posco claims to have become the first steelmaker to publish an annual carbon report, which contained its corporate structure of countering climate change, achievements in reducing emissions, and its CO2-reduction goal by 2020.