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Posco Selected as a Most Admired Company

Posco was recently ranked 2nd in the “2012 Korea’s Most Admired Companies” announced by KMAC. Since KMAC started evaluations in 2004, Posco has been listed as an All-Star Company for nine consecutive years, ranked 2nd for two consecutive years, and maintained 1st in the steel division of the per-industry evaluations.

KMAC selected 30 All-Star Most Admired Companies and 1st place companies for 69 industries, asking 5520 officers in the industry, 230 securities company analysts, and 4560 general consumers to participate in a survey conducted on six categories: innovation capability, shareholder value, employee value, customer value, social value, and image value.

Posco received high remarks for building the first overseas integrated steelworks in Indonesia, focusing on securing resources in the Africa and South America region, while striving for cost reduction and quality management.

The company was also recognized for its position as a leading socially responsible management company for its global social contribution activities, and allowing employees to voluntarily join in on the many volunteering activities.

Posco E&C of Posco Family Members was also ranked 29th as an All-Star Company, while ranking 3rd in the plant engineering division and 5th in the construction division. Daewoo International ranked 3rd in the general trade company division, and Posco ICT ranked 4th in the IT service division.

In addition, Posco ranked 30th on the “2012 Global 100 Most Sustainable Companies” published by Corporate Knights, a Canadian economics magazine, at the World Economic Forum in Davos. And last June, the company was selected as the “Most Competitive Steel Company” for two consecutive years by World Steel Dynamics, a steel specialized analysis organization, receiving high reviews for not only economic profitability, but also environmental soundness and social responsibility.