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Posco Named Carbon-Performance Leader

Posco received overall good evaluations from the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) committee on carbon disclosure and reduction efforts, and was selected as a leader in carbon disclosure and carbon performance.
Posco says it was the only steelmaker worldwide selected.
The CDP committee, an international climate change evaluation institution, selected 51 and 48 companies, respectively, for the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index 2010 and Carbon Performance Leadership Index 2010 among 2500 leading companies worldwide. Posco was selected in both categories.
Posco noted that it promotes environmental management as one of the three major management principles. The company was evaluated highly for transparently disclosing detailed information to all stakeholders while continuously releasing carbon reports and sustainability reports.
The company also received good reviews for proclaiming greenhouse-gas reduction goals, operation of the carbon-neutral program and internal emission trading system, and innovative technology development for CO2 reduction.