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Posco E&E Established for Refuse Energy Business

Posco has established Posco E&E to focus on refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and electric generation, and sewage sludge-derived fuel businesses.

Posco E&E will carry out its RDF and electric generation businesses in the form of private investment projects. Posco will manage its special project company throughout Korea, while seeking additional business opportunities and developing related technologies.

The RDF electric generation project will produce electric power from combustible wastes that were formerly incinerated or buried in landfills, providing the heat produced to consumers. The sewage sludge-derived fuel project dries the waste previously buried in landfills or disposed in the ocean, to be used in thermal power plants as fuel.

Posco is currently carrying out RDF projects in Busan and Pohang, and it plans to expand the projects into metropolitan regions throughout the country. The RDF power plant to be established in Busan utilizes 900 tonnes of refuse daily to produce 25 MW of power.

Through this project, Posco expects to secure 116 tonnes of carbon credit and 200 MW of Renewable Portfolio Standard rights.