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Posco Develops Tamper-Proof Mill Sheets

May 2006 — Posco has developed a system to ensure that its mill sheets will remain free of forgery and alteration. The new technology, which was developed by Posco’s Product Technology Department, were applied to all steel products beginning May 1, 2006.

Mill sheets are reports that list the materials, chemical content, sizes, and weights for all steels.

Because some mill sheets have been found to have been forged and altered, the steel market has begun to require steelmakers to provide complete measures to prevent forgery and alteration of mill sheets.

To ensure forgery- and alteration-free mill sheets, Posco’s Product Technology Department added non-editable watermarks of the Posco logo on the surface of mill sheets. The group also introduced 2-D barcodes that can be traced when scanned, and non-replicated codes that disappear when copied.

Posco has already distributed the complete forgery- and alteration-free mill sheets with threefold prevention measures to its customers. Upon receiving the new forgery- and alteration-free mill sheets, customers said that the new mill sheets are very trustworthy and reliable.

Posco’s Product Technology Department expects that its new forgery- and alteration-free mill sheets will protect its customers from further fraud and will create a transparent steel distribution market.