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Paul Wurth Wins Contract for Stamp-Charged Coke Batteries

“These orders represent a significant market breakthrough and a reference of utmost importance, considering the increasing market share of stamp-charging technology in China and the numerous projects likely to materialize in the near future,” it said. 

According to Paul Wurth, the batteries will be made up of 69 ovens each. Each oven will be 6.73 m tall and, together, will produce 1.940 million metric tons of coke annually. The batteries will be outfitted with Paul Wurth’s Single Oven Pressure Control system. 

“Relying on Paul Wurth expertise for eco-friendly cokemaking solutions, this project is part of the Chinese government’s environmental program to reduce emissions generated by coking plants,” the company said. 

Paul Wurth said the order is also significant because it represents its first order for stamping-charging pushers in China.

“This represents a major project for stamping machines technology after the assets of KOCH Industrieanlagen entered Paul Wurth’s cokemaking portfolio in 2018,” the company said. 

The first batches of coke are expected in August.