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Outotec Selected to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index

"We are very proud to be included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. It is a recognition for our hard work for enabling the sustainable use of Earth's natural resources. We are committed to the continuous improvement which is required from all the companies included in the Index,” said president and CEO Pertti Korhonen.
As much as 89% of Outotec's order intake in 2012 comprised of environmental goods and services according to the OECD criteria. The company has developed many breakthrough technologies for metals and minerals processing, and is also creating innovative solutions for renewable energy industry and industrial water treatment.
Each year, RobecoSAM invites over 3,000 listed companies from the 57 sectors to report annually on their sustainability practices. The Corporate Sustainability Assessment provides an in-depth analysis of economic, environmental and social practices, such as innovation or supply chain management, climate strategy and stakeholder engagement, with a special focus on industry-specific risks and opportunities. Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes provide investors with reliable and objective benchmarks to manage their sustainability portfolios.
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