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Outotec Recognized for Climate Change Transparency Reporting

CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) is the global environmental disclosure system, which highlights companies with the most professional approach to climate change disclosure practices. Outotec received 95 out of 100 points and was ranked among the top 10% of the 260 Nordic companies. The average disclosure score in 2013 is 73.
CDP's analysis is based on greenhouse gas emissions, emission reduction targets as well as understanding of risks and opportunities associated with climate change. Over 5,000 companies from all over the world have been asked to report on climate change through CDP this year. 81% of the world's 500 largest public companies listed on the Global 500 engage with CDP to enable effective measurement of their carbon footprint and climate change action. High scores indicate good internal data management and understanding of climate change related issues affecting the company. The index provides an evaluation tool for institutional investors and other stakeholders.
“The fifth consecutive year in the CDLI is a great acknowledgement of our long-term commitment to sustainability, which is our core value. As a global technology provider we can make a significant impact in mitigating climate change by inventing and delivering resource efficient production processes to our customers. We are committed to develop and deliver resource and energy efficient process technologies enabling the industry by 2020 to reach 20 % less CO2 emissions compared to the base line of 2012,” states Minna Aila, senior vice president, communications and corporate responsibility. “Targets must be matched with transparent reporting. CDLI is a good tool to provide our investors with visibility to our actions mitigating the impacts of climate change.”
The Nordic 260 Report including companies featured in the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index can be found at

Outotec provides leading technologies and services for the sustainable use of Earth’s natural resources. As the global leader in minerals and metals processing technology, Outotec has developed many breakthrough technologies over the decades. The company also provides innovative solutions for industrial water treatment, the utilization of alternative energy sources and the chemical industry.