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Outokumpu Recognized Again in Nordic Climate Disclosure Leadership Index

Outokumpu has been awarded for the fifth consecutive year with a position on the Nordic Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI).
CDP rates climate change information submitted by the companies against a specific scoring methodology. This year, Outokumpu’s score rose to 95 out of 100 and the Group was among the top 10% of the organizations. High scores indicate the provision of robust climate data upon which decisions that will catalyze progress towards low carbon economies can be made. The index highlights companies providing a high level of transparency in their disclosure of climate-related information.
Says Tuomas Haikka, director of sustainability at Outokumpu commented: “We are extremely pleased with CDP’s recognition of our disclosure on climate change. Sustainability plays a central role in our business, because we see it as a key driver for our long-term competitiveness and growth. Over the years, our dedication has yielded results: we have increased the recycled content of our material to more than 85%, well over the industry average of 50%. We have improved our energy efficiency and reduced the amount of waste, and our carbon footprint is 50% lower than in the 1990s. Ambitious targets and open reporting of the progress is inbuilt to our culture, current climate target is further reduction of 20% in our carbon profile by 2020.”
CDP is an international non-profit organization that provides material for institutional investors to understand better economic risks and opportunities that climate change presents to their portfolio companies. The number of investors using CDP has increased on an annual basis: currently the number of investors using CDP is 767, representing more than US$ 92 trillion assets.