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Olympic Steel Recognized for Workplace Safety and Health Excellence

Olympic Steel, Inc. has received an award from the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) in recognition of the exemplary safety and health management program at its Detroit, Mich., facility.
The company was presented with the award – a Michigan Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) Award – by representatives from MIOSHA as part of a ceremony held on site at the Detroit facility.
"Olympic Steel is committed to providing a safe work environment and promoting employee health and well being as one of our company Core Values," said Michael Cedoz, General Manager. "We are pleased to receive this prestigious recognition, and we commend our employees for the critical role they play in sustaining a safe work environment."
Companies under consideration for SHARP recognition earn distinction for implementing a safety and health system that achieves results far beyond those of their peers. To qualify, a company must be considered a high-hazard industry, and complete a thorough site consultation conducted by the MIOSHA review team.
Founded in 1954, Olympic Steel is a leading U.S. metals service center focused on the direct sale and distribution of large volumes of processed carbon, coated and stainless flat-rolled sheet, coil and plate steel and aluminum products. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, the company operates 16 facilities.