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Olympic Steel Completes Company-Wide ISO 14001 Certification

Olympic Steel, Inc. has successfully completed ISO 14001 registration for all of its operational locations. Quality registrar SRI completed the registration assessments.
ISO 14001, the newest revision of ISO registration, requires organizations to document and conform to responsible environmental management principals. This international standard exists to help organizations minimize how their business operations negatively impact the environment.
According to David A. Wolfort, President and Chief Operating Officer, all of the company’s operating locations have either obtained registration or have been recommended for registration.
 “Becoming certified to this International Standard underscores our commitment to adopting sustainable business practices that minimizes our environmental impact,” stated Wolfort. “We are very proud of our employees for achieving this important certification.”
Olympic’s three newest facilities located in Dover, Ohio; Sumter, S.C.; and Baraga, Mich., expect to be certified in 2009, once they become fully operational.
Founded in 1954, Olympic Steel is a leading U.S. steel service center focused on the direct sale and distribution of large volumes of processed carbon, coated and stainless flat-rolled sheet, coil and plate steel products. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, the company operates 17 facilities.