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Oleg Bagrin Elected President of NLMK

NLMK, a leading global steelmaking company headquartered in Russia, announced that its shareholders at an extraordinary general meeting elected Oleg Bagrin as NLMK President (Chairman of the Management Board).

Mr. Bagrin was nominated as President by NLMK’s majority shareholder, in recognition, among other things, of his many years of experience serving on the Board of Directors. Mr. Bagrin has been responsible for overseeing a number of aspects of NLMK’s growth, helping the company to become an international vertically integrated group. These include the acquisition of the group’s main assets, NLMK’s successful IPO, and key projects as part of the company’s Technical Upgrade and Development Program.

Mr. Bagrin has been serving as Member of the Board of Directors since 2004. He is also Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee and a member of the Audit Committee. He is also a board member of a number of NLMK subsidiaries. In August 2012, Mr. Bagrin was appointed Executive Vice President of NLMK.

Mr. Bagrin holds a graduate degree in Operations Research and a postgraduate degree in Economics from the State University of Management (Moscow), as well as an MBA from the University of Cambridge (UK).