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Nucor to Report Weekly HRC Spot Price

"We are constantly looking for better ways to serve our customers, not only with quality products and services, but also with timely information that will help them make informed decisions for their businesses. The Consumer Spot Price will give our customers relevant and current information about Nucor's sheet business in a rapidly changing marketplace, which we believe will reduce their reliance on speculation and reduce risk," said Rex Query, Nucor’s executive vice president for sheet products.

Nucor said it will release the spot price every Monday, beginning 8 April. The price will remain in effect until the next Monday, Nucor said, adding that the price will be “derived from both quantitative and qualitative data.” 

Nucor also said lead times for spot orders will be offered between three and five weeks. 

"Over the last six decades, Nucor has continued to differentiate itself by innovating and finding new ways to provide solutions to our valued customers," said Query. "The Consumer Spot Price is yet another tool that will help our customers succeed over the long term and strengthen our status as one of America's most diversified and efficient industrial manufacturers."