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Nucor Chief to Support U.S. Manufacturing Council

Nucor Corp. Chairman, President and CEO Dan DiMicco was recently named to the U.S. Manufacturing Council by U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez. Gutierrez announced the new membership, including a new chairman and vice-chair, on Tuesday, July 22.
“The Manufacturing Council is a strong voice for the private sector. The Council focuses on issues that are critical to manufacturing competitiveness, including improving innovation, lowering energy costs and preparing a skilled workforce for the jobs of the future,” Gutierrez said. “I look forward to working closely with the Council to ensure that the U.S. manufacturing sector competes on a level playing field in the world marketplace for generations to come.”
Originally established to ensure regular communication between the federal government and manufacturing sector, the Manufacturing Council works directly with the Commerce Department to advocate, coordinate and implement policies that seek to strengthen U.S. manufacturers’ competitiveness worldwide. The newly appointed council consists of 14 private-sector executives who reflect the diversity of industry, size of company and geography.
Fred Keller, Chairman and CEO of Cascade Engineering, will serve as the new chairman of the Manufacturing Council. Kellie Johnson, President of ACE Clearwater Enterprises, will serve as the vice-chair. Council members include:
  • Dean Bartles, Vice President and General Manager, General Dynamics Corp.
  • John Cantlin, President, Lifoam Industries
  • Daniel DiMicco, Chairman, President and CEO, Nucor Corp.
  • Daniel W. Holmes Jr., Chairman, Morrison Products, Inc.
  • William Jones, President, Penn United Technology, Inc.
  • Peter Kamenstein, President, Kamenstein, a Division of Lifetime Brands Corp.
  • James McGregor, President, Morgal Machine Tool and Ohio Stamping and Machine
  • Michael Nowak, President and CEO, Coating Excellence International
  • Jason Speer, Vice President and General Manager, Quality Float Works, Inc.
  • Harding Stowe, President and CEO, R.L. Stowe Mills, Inc.
  • Edward Voboril, Chairman of the Board, Analogic
  • Della Williams, President and CEO, Williams-Pyro, Inc.
 Council priorities include investment in innovation; improving the climate for investment in the U.S. manufacturing sector; and ensuring the sustainability of the U.S. manufacturing industry in an increasingly competitive global market.