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Nucor Announces 2050 Net-Zero Goal 

In a statement, Nucor said the 2050 net-zero target and a new, 2030  interim target, include scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions from the production of hot-rolled steel as defined by the Global Steel Climate Council. 

Nucor said the new targets are more ambitious than its previous goal, a 35% reduction in steel mill scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse gas intensity by 2030, using 2015 as a baseline. 

The company said it plans to reach the goal by increasing the use of clean electricity, carbon capture and sequestration, and near-zero greenhouse gas ironmaking. Nucor will also utilize technologies to reduce its consumption of injection and charge carbon and will reduce the use of natural gas in its production processes.

“We are the North American leader in sustainable steelmaking, and these targets further highlight our leadership role in developing clean solutions for the entire steel industry, as well as empowering our customers to meet their business and environmental goals successfully,” said Leon Topalian, Nucor chair and chief executive officer. 

“In recent years, we have made purposeful investments to increase the availability of carbon-free electricity, and to support other emerging technologies that will help lead the way to a clean industrial future.”