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NLMK Wins IR Global Rankings’ Best Financial Disclosure Award

As part of 2012 Best Ranked Companies in North America and Europe, IR Global Rankings (IRGR) has awarded NLMK for the “Best Financial Disclosure” category in Europe.
IR Global Rankings (IRGR) is a comprehensive technical ranking system for investor relations websites, corporate governance practices and financial disclosure procedures. Its ranking system is based on proprietary technical research of publicly traded companies based on a transparent methodology that is supported and backed by key global institutions, including Arnold & Porter, KPMG, MZ, and Sodali.
IRGR compiled the ranking in conjunction with its coordination group and supporting entities Arnold & Porter, KPMG, MZ Group and Sodali. Evaluations were executed by a team of experienced investor relations professionals and reviewed by independent audit and legal experts. More than a hundred international companies from a wide range of sectors participated in the ranking.
Additional members of the North American and European steel community that were named to the 2012 Best Ranked Companies in North America and Europe includedArcelorMittal, Evraz, Severstal, and ThyssenKrupp,