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NLMK Plans Improvements to Coke Facility

In a statement, NLMK said it intends to retrofit the facility’s No. 5 coke plant with stamp charging equipment. As NLMK explains, the stamp charging process compacts coal into a single “cake,” which is then fed into horizontally into a coke oven.  

“This ensures a better quality of coke and a reduction in the share of expensive grades of coal, as stamped coke particles bake better, boosting the coke strength after reaction and increasing resistance to mechanical stress during transportation and loading into the blast furnace.”

NLMK said the project entails construction of a storage bunker equipped with stamping machines and installation of conveyors and machines for loading the coal cakes into the ovens. The project also includes installation of new systems for capturing and treating offgases. 

“Stamping technology will enable us to reach two goals, both improving the quality of coke and reducing its production cost, thus boosting the efficiency of NLMK’s blast furnace operations,” said NLMK Group vice president Konstantin Lagutin. 

Start-up is scheduled for the second half of 2019.