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NLMK Group Wins Recognition as Best for Occupational Health and Safety

The competition is held annually by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).
2014 became the safest period in the history of NLMK Group. As a result of a new approach to occupational health and safety that NLMK Group has adopted, the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR per 1 million man-hours) has been reduced by 22% to 1.59 for the Group overall; including by 36% to 0.55 at NLMK Russian assets.
NLMK Director for Occupational Health and Safety Victor Togobetsky said: “Our goal is to become global leaders among steelmaking companies in occupational health and safety. We made radical changes to our OHS management system in 2014, introducing advanced practices; efficiently managing risks; and actively involving our personnel in OHS practice. As a result, the company has achieved all-time record OHS results. There were no fatalities at any of the Group’s Russian or international divisions in 2014, both among our own personnel and among our contractors.”
NLMK strives to be constantly increasing the well-being of employees, financing events and initiatives each year aimed at the continuous improvement of OHS and working conditions. The OHS budget has been increased by 330% over the past five years, reaching over 1.5 billion rubles in 2014. Over 30% of this funding went towards the purchase of new individual protective gear; and over 23% went towards ensuring facilities are as safe as possible.