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NLMK Awarded Honorary Certificate of the Russian Government

The certificate was awarded by Dmitry Medvedev, chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, during a site visit to NLMK’s production facilities.
Dmitry Medvedev took part in the ceremonial meeting to mark Metallurgist’s Day and the upcoming 80th anniversary of the plant. He also presented 22 state and governmental awards to NLMK workers, including  the Order of Friendship; Medal of the Order of Merit to the Motherland (II Degree); honorary titles of Merited Steelmaker of the Russian Federation; Merited Machine-Builder of the Russian Federation; Merited Transportation Worker of the Russian Federation; Merited Chemist of the Russian Federation; and honorary certificates of the RF Government.
During the award ceremony, Dmitry Medvedev emphasized the key role of steelmaking in Russia’s economy: “Steelmaking has always been a primary industry and backbone of the economy; the development of the country and all other industries depends on it. Over the last ten years, Russian steelmaking overall has been showing good progress. Your operations are on par with international companies, in some areas even surpassing them. An impressive pool of talent is required to address the challenges the industry is facing, and steelmakers have it. Your plant is an example of what modern, first-rate operations can be like. You are doing a great job.”
Accompanied by NLMK chairman of the Board of Directors Vladimir Lisin and NLMK President Oleg Bagrin, the Chairman of the Government visited the pre-painting shop and Blast Furnace #7, the most productive blast furnace in the world. He also talked to the students from NLMK-supported colleges that are undertaking their internships at the company.
NLMK has always been a center for innovative solutions that set the standard not only for Russian but global steelmaking as well. This is evidenced by the company’s performance over the last decade that has allowed it to expand its steelmaking capacity and solidify its competitive advantages in the global steel market. Today, NLMK is a truly global company and one of the most advanced and efficient in the world.