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NLMK Announces Change in its Management Team

NLMK announced that Galina Aglyamova stepped down as NLMK Group vice president of finance starting from 28 December 2012, to take on a new career challenge; she will be succeeded in this position by Grigory Fedorishin, formerly director of strategy and business development of the company.
Ms. Aglyamova was appointed NLMK Group vice president of finance in 2006. Prior to that she served as NLMK’s deputy general director of economics and finance. With Ms. Aglyamova as the head of NLMK’s economics and finance, the company has reached a truly global status, doubling its asset value, and delivering record financial performance. An efficient financial strategy ensured NLMK’s stability and supported its dynamic development through the crisis.
Commenting on her decision to step down, Ms. Aglyamova said, “It has been a great honor to be a part of the NLMK team — they have become more than co-workers to me. I am truly proud of the fact that over my years as the head of NLMK’s finances the company has transformed into a global leader. I would like to thank all my friends and colleagues for our productive cooperation.”
NLMK chairman of the board of directors, Mr. Vladimir Lisin, said, “I would like to thank Galina Aglyamova for her significant contribution to the development of the company. Over her years with the company, NLMK has gained and retained the status of one of the most appealing investment cases in the metals and mining industry. I would like to separately acknowledge Ms. Aglyamova’s work as head of the coordination committee that managed NLMK Group companies’ performance during the crisis of 2008-2009.”
Grigory Fedorishin, formerly director of strategy and business development and member of the management board, will take over as NLMK Group vice president of finance. The new appointment is driven by NLMK’s commitment to ensure management succession by adhering to conservative and flexible financial management and the company’s intention to continue the implementation of its strategy aimed at boosting efficiency.
Commenting on the change in the management team, Oleg Bagrin, NLMK Group president, said, “I am convinced that Grigory Fedorishin will be able to leverage his diverse expertise in financial management, strategy development and business process optimization at NLMK to further promote efficiency, which is becoming the pillar of the Group strategy.”
Commenting on the new appointment, Mr. Fedorishin said, “NLMK Group has always distinguished itself by a unique combination of efficiency, long-term growth and business model sustainability, including financial stability. My key goal is to retain and develop this blend.”