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MMK May Invest Additional $100 Million in Turkish Subsidiary

13 November 2012 - OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) is exploring the possibility of investing an additional US$100 million over the medium term into MMK-Metalurji, its Turkish subsidiary, to reduce production costs and increase production efficiency.

MMK Sells Its Stakes in OOO BRU and OOO Rudnik

13 August 2012 - MMK announces the sale of its 51% stake in OOO Bakalskoe Iron Ore Management and its 100% stake in OOO Rudnik, which owns a license for the development of the Techenskoe field.

MMK Completes Construction of New Cold Rolling Complex

16 July 2012 - Russia's Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works (MMK) launched the second stage of its new cold rolling complex with an investment of over US$1 billion.

MMK Signs Long-Term Contract for Gas Supplies from NOVATEK

02 July 2012 - Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) signed a long-term gas supply contract with OOO NOVATEK-Chelyabinsk to support the group’s operating performance and future development.

MMK Invests to Expand Into Market for Shipbuilding Steels

05 June 2012 - MMK is investing in abrasive blast cleaning equipment for rolling shop No. 9, which houses its 5,000 mm plate mill. This will allow MMK to produce AB2-1 and AB2-2 shipbuilding steels.

Two MMK Projects Qualify for Implementation under Kyoto Protocol

12 April 2012 - MMK is introducing electric arc furnace production of slab steel, and is upgrading agglomerate production and load-feeding at its blast furnaces.

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