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Ipsco Plans Plate and Pipe Upgrades

17 February 2006 -  

Ipsco Plans Plate and Pipe Upgrades

17 February 2006 -  

Ipsco to Supply Large Diameter Pipe for Two Major Projects

03 February 2006 - Feb. 3, 2006 — Ipsco Inc. has received a commitment from Enbridge reserving Ipsco's large diameter pipe mills for the Waupisoo Pipeline Project and Stage 1 of the Southern Access Expansion Project.

Ipsco to Supply Large Diameter Pipe for Two Major Projects

03 February 2006 - Feb. 3, 2006 — Ipsco Inc. has received a commitment from Enbridge reserving Ipsco's large diameter pipe mills for the Waupisoo Pipeline Project and Stage 1 of the Southern Access Expansion Project.

Ipsco Appoints New Corporate Treasurer

13 December 2005 - Ipsco Inc. announced that Gregory R. Burnett has joined the company as Corporate Treasurer.

USW Locals Ratify Labor Agreements with Ipsco

06 December 2005 - Members of United Steelworkers Locals 5890 and 6673 have ratified agreements for early renewal of collective agreements at Ipsco's facilities in Regina, Sask., and Calgary, Alta. The Locals represent approximately 1,000 workers at the two facilities.

Ipsco Wins Quality Award for Alabama Steelworks

01 December 2005 - Ipsco Inc.'s Alabama Steelworks has been named one of the winners of the 2005 Alabama Quality Awards.

Paulson Asserts Right of Shareholders to Consider Algoma Business

22 November 2005 - Paulson & Co. Inc., which holds (directly and indirectly) 19.0% of the outstanding shares of Algoma Steel, asserted the right of Algoma shareholders to requisition a special meeting, elect directors and consider company business as provided by Ontario law.

Tentative Deal Reached in Ipsco Labor Negotiations

16 November 2005 - Ipsco Inc. and United Steelworkers Locals 5890 and 6673 have reached a tentative agreement for early renewal of their collective agreements.

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