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New Technology to Treat Steel Dust from DIGIMET

After two years of work at its Irun plant, DIGIMET has confirmed, on a semi-industrial scale with a 3.000 Tn/year furnace, the advantages of its technology to treat steel dust based on a new patented ladle furnace concept.
To better understand the concept, DIGIMET has prepared an explanatory video, which can be viewed at
The new treatment has been presented to steel mills, waste treatment plants, zinc manufacturers and the most relevant equipment manufacturers.
Steel dust is the largest hazardous solid waste in volume generated by the steel industry. Managing this waste has a very high cost for steel mills. as it is classified as hazardous waste and therefore cannot be disposed of in landfills without being previously treated by authorized waste managers.
DIGIMET enables the treatment of steel dust inside the plant itself, independently of the production process, maximizing the recovery of recyclable materials and without generating waste. It aims to recover the recyclable metals it contains with a high level of purity and to generate an inert slag suitable for use in cement plants; that is, DIGIMET will convert what used to be a waste requiring management into a valuable by-product. The following advantages are particularly significant: operational flexibility, reduced size, energy efficiency and modularity. Furthermore, high-purity zinc oxide is recovered as well as iron with high metallurgical grade.

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