New HBIS Slab Caster Enters Service
01/20/2025 - China’s HBIS XuanHua Iron and Steel Group successfully has started up a new single-strand slab caster at its low-carbon-emissions plant in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province.
The machine was put into service two weeks ahead of schedule, according to Primetals Technologies, which built the caster. The caster will be used for a wide variety of steel grades including ultra-low carbon, carbon, low alloyed, steel pipe. It also will be used to produce stainless steel.
The caster will produce slabs in thicknesses ranging from 250 mm to 330 mm millimeters and 900 mm to 1,900 mm in width.
The caster will have an annual capacity of 1.5 million tons, the companies said.
Primetals Technologies supplied the key mechanical equipment and a comprehensive automation solution, which includes its Mold Expert system, which monitors for any breakouts and analyzes the casting process in the mold. It also features Yield Expert, which minimizes the amount of scrap to optimize yield, and Quality Expert, which provides data to improve product quality.