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New Agreement Advances SDI Decarbonization Plans 

Under a renewable product purchase agreement with the wind farm’s developer, NextEra Energy Resources, Steel Dynamics will take 308 megawatts from the Scurry County, Texas, facility. SDI said the agreement is the largest of its kind in the North American steel industry and will accelerate its own progress toward reaching its decarbonization goals. 

“As one of North America’s largest steel producers and its largest metals recycler, we are excited to be collaborating with NextEra Energy Resources, the world’s largest generator of renewable energy from the wind and sun, to place new renewable energy onto the Electric Reliability Council of Texas power grid,” said SDI chairman and chief executive Mark D. Millett.

“This investment represents a significant step forward on our path to carbon neutrality,” he said. 

SDI’s goal is to derive 10% of its electricity from renewables by 2025; the agreement will allow it to surpass that goal, it said. 

“Large energy consumers, such as Steel Dynamics, are well suited to benefit from the development of large renewable energy projects,” said Rebecca Kujawa, NextEra Energy Resources president and chief executive officer. “We are committed to leading the decarbonization of the U.S. economy, and meaningful collaborations like this will be key to meeting corporate, industry, and national carbon emissions reduction goals.”