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Morgan to Upgrade Cascade Steel Rod Outlet

Feb. 23, 2006 — Morgan Construction Co. has received a contract from Cascade Steel Rolling Mills, McMinnville, Ore., to upgrade the company’s single-strand rod outlet.

For the upgrade, Morgan will supply high-speed pinch roll and laying head assemblies. The laying head will be capable of producing 5.5 mm wire rod at speeds up to 120 meters per second. Cascade will utilize the new equipment to produce wire rod in sizes 5.5 to 20 mm and rebar in sizes No. 3 through No. 6.

This equipment, to be supplied in August 2006, will be completely manufactured and assembled at Morgan’s headquarters in Worcester, Mass.

Morgan’s last contract with Cascade, for reform tub assembly with ring distributor and coil plate, was successfully commissioned in November of 2002.

Morgan Construction Co. designs and produces high-quality rolling mill products and services for the metals industry worldwide.