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MORE Successfully Commissions Motank Ram at Gerdau Corsa in Mexico

Gerdau Corsa successfully installed a Motank — a remote controlled ram for slag doors supplied by MORE — in its 60 ton AC EAF in Hidalgo, Mexico.
The Motank machine consists of a remote controlled truck equipped with a horizontal ram, which is intended to:
• Eliminate the need for a man-driven forklift. The Motank is automated to clean the slag door while workers are in a safer position, not having to operate machinery in front of the slag door.
• Eliminate the deposit of scrap within the slag door when bucket charging.
• Push the scrap deep into the furnace, away from the slagging door thus avoiding scrap dropping into the slag pit.
• Restore the furnace breast after tapping and regenerate its working level by removing the excess of slag deposits.
The Motank system works also in conjunction with the Catfis automatic temperature/sampling equipment, thus the presence of the operators in front of the slag door has been eliminated with consequent total operational safety improvement.
To date, MORE has installed or currently has under contract a total of 32 Motank and 176 Catfis systems worldwide.