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MMX Resumes Iron Ore Mining Operations at Corumbá

MMX Mineração e Metálicos SA, Brazil, announced this week that it would resume operation of its Corumbá iron ore mine located in Corumbá, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
The company had suspended its production activities in the state in December 2008 due to the business environment experienced since the middle last year, which had resulted in shrinking iron ore demand.
Although MMX has decided to resume mining activities in Corumbá, the company said it would continue to suspend operation of the facility’s pig iron unit. The company said it would resume pig iron production according to the recovery of the steel industry, both in Brazil and worldwide.
The company said the activities of its forestry unit in Mato Grosso do Sul, which has a planted area of 6 thousand hectares, would remain suspended, although it will continue to carry on the necessary maintenance activities of the planted area.