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Mittal Canada to Support Corporate Health and Safety Day

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March 6, 2007 — Mittal Canada will participate in Arcelor Mittal’s first worldwide health and safety day since its merger to create the world's largest and most global steel company.

Like hundreds of other Arcelor Mittal plants and operations around the world, Mittal Canada says it will support the company’s effort to promote occupational health and safety as the number-one operational priority for every staff member. Mittal Canada's employees at Contrecoeur, Longueuil, Montreal, Hamilton and Detroit will take part in the activities this Tuesday, March 6.

Arcelor Mittal's worldwide health and safety day is being spearheaded by Lakshmi Mittal, President and CEO, and Joseph Kinsch, Chairman. Its purpose is to highlight the importance Arcelor Mittal places on health and safety to its 330,000 employees, and to launch a new Health and Safety policy which will be applied across the Group. Created in consultation with employee representatives, doctors and safety professionals, the new policy aims to work towards reducing the frequency and severity of accidents, and improving the overall health of individuals across the group.

“We have said repeatedly since our merger that health and safety is a priority in the new company,” said Lakshmi Mittal. “The aim of our worldwide health and safety day is to help raise awareness of the importance of health and safety in our day-to-day operations. Every employee has an important role to play in achieving this, and by gathering everyone together across the company we hope to highlight the importance of adhering to strict safety guidelines at all times.”

As part of the health and safety day, Lakshmi Mittal, Joseph Kinsch, and members of the Group Management Board will visit a number of sites around the world to emphasize the importance of health and safety in the new company. Employees will also be invited to play a concrete role in reinforcing prevention throughout the organization by:

  • Encouraging the reporting of hazardous situations.
  • Ensuring proper housekeeping.
  • Ensuring compliance with sound work methods and procedures.
  • Ensuring the use of personal protective equipment.
  • Committing in 2007 to achieving a few tangible health and safety best practices that would have a positive impact on their work sectors' performances.
  • Taking a team approach to solving health and safety issues within their respective sectors with input from health and safety delegates.

“Health and safety is a priority which must be addressed every minute of every day,” said Mittal Canada's President and CEO, Denis Fraser. “However, it is important to dedicate one day each year to the issue to remind people of the role everyone must play. This worldwide health and safety day is an excellent way of bringing together new ideas from across our company and sharing best practices with our colleagues from around the world.”

Mittal Canada belongs to the Arcelor Mittal Group, the world's leading steelmaker, and constitutes the Group's Canadian hub. Based in Quebec, the company has 2600 employees and an annual production capacity of 2.5 million tons. It manufactures a wide range of high-quality flat and long products sold in Canada and the U.S. for applications in the automotive, engineering and other industries.