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Metinvest Prepares to Launch PCI at Ilyich Steel

Ilyich Iron & Steel Works of Mariupol (Ilyich Steel) is close to finishing the construction and erection works and installation of the power system to support the PCI (pulverized coal injection) plant. In early May, the company plans to test the facility, and in July, process tests with injection of the fuel in blast furnaces is scheduled to be conducted.
All iron and steel works of Metinvest continue elaboration and implementation of PCI equipment to inject PCI fuel into the hearth of the blast furnaces. The project is implemented within the long-term (till 2020) technological strategy of the Group. Implementation of this large-scale investment project will allow Metinvest to give up the use of natural gas in the blast furnace shops of the company almost completely.
The Ilyich Steel project foresees implementation of the dust suppression technology using nitrogen in the cast houses and modernization of the gas supply systems of the air stoves. These systems will be installed and launched simultaneously with the commissioning of the PCI plant. The design of the main building of the facility envisages fully sealed coal grinding tract, reloading points and coal dust feed to the blast furnaces, as well as equipment of the closed coal warehouse with the advanced de-dusting systems made by CJSC SovPlim and EKO INSTAL. All dust will be collected by several bag-house de-dusting units and supplied to the blast furnaces via special ducts.
Total value of the project is over $150 million.
At EMZ of Metinvest, the project is at the design stage. The erection works are to be started in 2H2012.
Preparation for the PCI implementation is in progress at Azovstal as well. The project team started working on the Feasibility Study of the project which will complete by the end of 2012.
Ilyich Iron & Steel Works of Mariupol (Ilyich Steel), the subsidiary of Metinvest, is an international vertically integrated group of mining and metals companies.