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Metalloinvest Confirms High Quality of Its Steel Products

TUV Thuringen e.V. (Erfurt, Germany) inspected steel products used in manufacturing of vessels handling high pressures and in the European construction industry.
The purpose of the audit was to confirm compliance of the steel production process with the requirements of the Directive No.97/23/ЕС of the European Parliament, the Technical Rules AD 2000 W0/TRD 100 and the Construction Products Regulation No.305/2011.
The experts reviewed relevant documentation, studied the production process and its planning, examined metrological equipment and took part in steel products tests.
Upon completion of the audit, Tatyana Hesse, a TUV expert, confirmed successful completion of the audit and the renewal of the certificate: “Ural Steel’s steel products fully comply with the established requirements. The certification body will be provided with a recommendation to renew the certificate (the certificate of quality of products supplied to the European market), as well as to certify Ural Steel’s molybdenum-containing grades of steel. This will enable the enterprise to supply steel for making vessels handling high pressures (including pipes) and for the European construction industry.”