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Latin American Share of Chinese Exports Reaches More than 10% in Jan/Apr 2015

The Latin American share of Chinese steel exports has reached 10.3%, behind only South Korea in top destinations for exported Chinese steel.  Vietnam came in third place with 2.7 million tons (8.5% share)

In April 2015, Latin America received 822 thousand tons of finished steel from China, 17% more than the previous month and 26% more than April 2014.

In the first four months of the year, imports from China increased more sharply (versus same period of 2014) in Cuba (600%), Argentina (453%), Dominican Republic (167%) and Mexico (104%).  Argentina, The Dominican Republic and Cuba, however, imported volumes remained very low.

Imports From China by Products

During January through April 2015, flat products represented 62% of the finished steel shipped from china to Latin America and the volume received reached 2 million tons. Imports of flat products concentrated in other alloy steel sheets and coils (804 thousand tons, 40% share of flat steel imported from China), Hot Galvanized (431 thousand tons, 22%) and cold coils (309 thousand tons, 16%).

Long steel products exported from China to Latin America reached 1.1 millions tons during the first 4 months of 2015 and concentrated in bars (449 tons, 41% of long steel imports) and rod wire (439 thousand tons, 40%)

For additional information, continue reading the full press release.

Alacero — The Latin American Steel Association — is the organization that brings together the Steel Value Chain of Latin America to promote the values of regional integration, technological innovation, corporate responsibility and social and environmental sustainability. Founded in 1959, Alacero is formed by 50 companies of 25 countries, whose production — of about 70 million annual tons — represents 95% of the steel manufactured in Latin America. Alacero is a Special Consulting Organization to the United Nations and is recognized as International Non-Government Organization by the Republic of Chile, host country of Alacero's headquarters.