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Latin American Apparent Steel Use Reached 50 Million Tons in First Nine Months of Year

Brazil registered the higher finished steel consumption level of 20 million tons (40% of regional consumption), displaying 4% growth vs. the first nine months of 2012. On the other hand, Mexico showed a marked drop of 10% in the same period.
Between January and October, Latin America produced 47.5 million tons of finished steel, 1% more than the same period of 2012. The main finished steel manufacturer was Brazil that accounted for 22 million tons and represented 46% of the total Latin American production. It was followed by Mexico with 13 million tons (28% of share). Peru increased its production by 18%, while Chile and Colombia displayed drops of 16% and 17%, respectively, compared to the first three quarters of 2012. The production drop in Chile can be partially explained after the closure of a flat steel line at CAP’s Huachipato Plant during the current year.
In October 2013, finished steel regional production reached 5 million tons, 8% more than October 2012. Argentina (27%) and Colombia (25%) were the countries that incremented their production the most. In contrast, Venezuela and Chile displayed drops of 13% and 11%, respectively.
Between January and October 2013, crude steel production in Latin America was 54 million tons, 2% less than the same 2012 period. Brazil continued to be the largest regional producer with 28.9 million tons, even though its output decreased 1% compared to the same 2012 period.
In October 2013, crude steel production reached 5.8 million tons, in line with October 2012. Colombia (27%), Argentina (15%) and Mexico (4%) increased production vs. October 2012.
Trade Balance
During January/September 2013, regional finished steel trade presented an 8.2 million ton deficit, slightly lower than the 9.4 million ton deficit registered in the same period of 2012.
In January/September 2013, every Latin American and Caribbean country—except for Argentina and the Dominican Republic—displayed finished steel trade deficits, with Mexico the country that showed the most important unbalance (-2 million tons). Other countries that presented significant deficits were: Colombia (-1.3 million tons), Peru (-1.1 million tons) and Chile (-990,000 tons).