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Kashima Steel Works Completes Full Restoration of Facilities Damaged by Japanese Earthquake

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. (NSSMC) has constructed a new gas holder — a storage container of gas by-products generated in the blast furnace, coke oven and converter of the steel works for re-use as fuel — to replace the one damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake of 11 March 2011. It started operation on 27 February 2013. This completes the restoration of all the company’s production facilities damaged by the quake.
Based on the lessons learned from the 2011 earthquake, NSSMC applied seismic design standards with twice the resistance to lateral seismic motion than was previously applied. It has also taken measures to stop off-center and rotational movement of pistons in order to prevent gas leakage. In addition, its capacity has been increased by 50%, ensuring a more stable supply of gas to the Kashima Kyodo Electric Power Co. and thereby contributing to the efficient use of resources.
Outline of the newly-constructed No. 1 gas holder:
·         Diameter:         51.2 meters (Side wall outer diameter)
·         Height:              99.46 meters to the top
                       87.35 meters for the side wall
·         Capacity:           150,000 cubic meters