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Jersey Shore Steel Recognized for Environmental Practices

Jersey Shore Steel Co. takes pride in running the "greenest" steel mill ever, according to Thomas Tillman, a spokesman for the company.
It's not an idle claim - Tillman showed up at a meeting Wednesday with a statewide award in hand, and announced that his firm has earned the Governor's Award for Environmental Excellence.
The award is open to all Pennsylvania businesses, farms, government agencies, educational institutions, non-profit organizations and individuals for projects promoting environmental stewardship.
Tillman offered his comments at a general membership meeting of the Clinton County Economic Partnership Wednesday evening, at Best Western.
Tillman said the company is in the running for additional recognition of its efforts at providing an environmentally and economically sound product.
The company has also emphasized a "going green" approach to its business for the past 12 years, taking a number of steps to ensure its carbon footprint is smaller than other operations producing similar products…
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